New Mexico Career Pathways Resources

New Mexico Career Pathways displays regional labor market information for school districts organized around the National Career Clusters Framework. Access simple interactive tools that can be used to explore population data for each district and identify local high-value career destinations for students. To assist with the use and application of labor market information, multiple professional development resources are offered that outline basic labor market terms and strategies in the context of educational processes.

NM - Career Pathways

An innovative approach to labor market information for educators

Explore Career Clusters

Preview the 16 Career Clusters and the local regional labor market dynamics within your school district

Explore Your Region

Gain awareness of the top career clusters and pathways that offer high-value career destinations for student

Dynamic Labor Market Reports

Quarterly reports on local labor market trends and their relevance to the state’s education system

Career Exploration

Students can explore their professional interests, goals, and aspirations.

Educator Portal

Share information, pose discussion questions, and collaborate with one another.