Professional Learning Communities

The professional learning community opportunities listed below were developed at the request of New Mexico educators. These virtual, yet interactive, learning opportunities are FREE, however you must register for each individually. It is our hope you will find one or more that interests you. Should you have any questions, please contact Kelly Kennedy by using the “Contact Us” link at the top of the page.

Engaging Students through Careers

Lead: Dr. Danielle Tallent

Session Timeframe: Three 1-hour sessions
February 2, 9, and 16 from 9:00-10:00 a.m.

How can we keep students motivated and engaged in the educational process?  For many students, the passion to learn and desire to participate in educational activities fades over time.  As result, educators and parents face increasing challenges in keeping students focused and engaged in learning the critical skills needed for postsecondary success.  One solution to the complex problem of declining motivation is to help students maintain a sense of purpose in their learning.  Join us in these three sessions as we discuss methods for exploring high-value careers with students and strategies for helping students connect their learning to career opportunities in their local communities. 

Career & Technical Education

Lead: Dr. Joseph Goins

Session Timeframe: second Tuesday of each month at 9:00 a.m.

beginning October 13 and ending April 13

This will be an open cohort discussion on Career and Technical Education.  Topics will include:  certifications, assessment of program, online CTE programs, how does CTE fit within the framework of an ECHS, what supports are unique, how to determine high-value careers and pathway programs, understanding and developing pathways, and effective resources & materials that can sustain progress on the pathway to career readiness.

October 13, 2020 – Session Video PowerPoint

November 10, 2020 – Session VideoPowerPoint

December 8, 2020 – Session VideoPowerPoint

January 12, 2021

February 9, 2021

March 9, 2021

April 13, 2021

Supporting ELL/Special Populations Virtually


Session Timeframe: TBD

… will share practical strategies to support ELL/special needs students (and their families) in remote learning environments.


Remote Learning


Session Timeframe: Monthly/Three 1-hour sessions - TBD

… will share three support domains critical for students in remote learning environments and explore resources and strategies to effectively execute these domains of support.


Lead: Hasan Davis, J.D.

Session Timeframe: Three 1-hour sessions - Spring Semester - TBD

Focus on equity in early college high schools:

  • Discussion revolves around the human connection necessary to achieve equity. Using story to engage and connect educators and students/families (history, Burleigh, York).
  • Reaching out to families in respectful family engagement is part of equity.
  • Core to equity is having the same aspirations for all kids you have for your children.
  • Disaggregation of data as important to equity. 

Social and Emotional Learning

Lead: R. Keeth Matheny

Session Timeframe: 3 90-minute sessions -

September 29, October 6 and October 13 from 3:30-5:00 p.m.

Teaching and learning are all about relationships, and yet health concerns are challenging our normal systems for building positive climates and supporting students and staff. Trauma informed re-entry as well as Social and Emotional Learning will play critical roles this year as we engage in various remote, in-person, and hybrid models during COVID. Join us for this engaging look at the challenges, strategies, and levers for positive change. These are moving, interactive and highly engaging workshops that give everyone an inspiring vision for what a powerful SEL program can and should be. It covers the basics, the data, the components and best practices of SEL. There are actionable strategies to move student supports to a more proactive rather than reactive model and tie in Social and Emotional Learning as foundational to that work. Most of all, it is a collaborative experience of what SEL feels like when done well. (Each session requires a separate registration.)

Soft Skills - Employability

Lead: Trevor Stokes

Session Timeframe: 3 1-hour sessions

November 10, 17, and 24 at 9:00 a.m.

Trevor will look at crucial employability skills required for career success. He will provide strategies for helping students develop these skills using Labor Market Data and trends due to Covid-19.

November 10, 2020 – Session Video PowerPoint

November 17, 2020 – Session Video PowerPoint

November 24, 2020  – Session Video PowerPoint

Leadership in COVID

Lead: Dr. William Hayes

Session Timeframe: 3 1-hour sessions

October 22, October 29 and November 5 from 2:00-3:00p.m.

William will discuss the wide array of challenges facing leaders during the Covid-19 pandemic and provide practical strategies to lead teachers, students, families, and the school community. This series will look at how leaders can develop routine systems and practices school wide that support increased access, opportunity, and success for diverse learners.   The sessions will identify specific measures that leaders can take to build adult capacity, leverage distributed leadership, and decrease disproportionality across a variety of domains.